The hands-on secret to my creative flow as a UX designer
Creativity fuels everything I do, in both my career and my personal life.
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Francesca Pa
As a UX/UI designer, I solve problems and enhance digital experiences, but when I need to recharge or find inspiration, I step away from screens and turn to my hands. Here’s how my passion for making fuels my design creativity.
Jumpstarting work skills with personal projects
My mornings are dedicated to focused design work—wireframing, prototyping, and collaborating with colleagues. During natural pauses, like when I’m waiting for feedback, I often dive into small craft projects. Crocheting a wool scarf for a coworker or stringing beads for a tapestry allows my mind to wander, sparking new ideas. These micro-breaks help me refresh and approach design challenges from a rejuvenated perspective.
Afternoons often involve juggling multiple client projects, which can be mentally demanding. Crafting becomes my “reset button.” Whether I’m spinning wool with the Ottawa Valley Spinners and Weavers Guild or adding stitches to my latest crochet project, the tactile focus on rhythm and flow helps me clear my mind and sharpen problem-solving skills.
In the evenings, I immerse myself in more hands-on creative projects. This time away from screens lets me truly disconnect, leaving me recharged and ready for the next day with renewed focus and ideas.
My hobbies are creative fuel
Crafting isn’t just about making beautiful objects for people I care about—it’s about the process of creating. Stepping away from my screen to work with my hands allows my brain to quietly hum away, processing ideas and solving problems in the background. These breaks are essential to my workflow, not distractions from it.
My hobbies have taught me the value of play, patience, and embracing imperfections. A knot in yarn or a misshapen clay bowl often leads to surprising inspiration. This mindset translates directly to my UX/UI work, encouraging iteration, experimentation, and trust in the creative process.
Balancing a full-time design career with crafting takes effort, but even small moments—five minutes during the work day—can keep me inspired and energized. It’s about switching gears and moving from the structured to the imaginative. For me, crafting isn’t just a hobby; it’s a vital way to keep my creativity flowing, my mind sharp, and my hands busy.