Amusing stories & views by us

To blog, or not to blog, that is the question. Through these musings, we hope to give you a better sense of who we are, what we believe in, and share our (design) perspective. Below, explore our creative opinion pieces and discover design tips and tricks to use in your daily life.

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2024-02-12 Design thinking

Enhance your web browser with these designer extensions

Web browsers are easy to view with complacency. We mainly use them to search the internet, and in that aspect, all the brands available — Google Chrome, OS Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Microsoft Edge — do the exact same job. And that’s the extent that most of us expect from our browsers, with exceptions being […]

2024-02-05 Culture

“How was work today?”

Every single evening when I get home, my family asks this question, and every single evening I enthusiastically answer: “It was great!”, “It was so good!” and I mean it I came to this realization a few months into working at Initiate, and a year later there has been maybe one day that was just […]

2024-01-26 Culture

Work-life balance of a new father

Why juggling everything works, for me I’ve always enjoyed keeping myself busy. I’ve worked as a full-time designer and part-time freelancer for the past 18 years while simultaneously teaching for the last 12 years; some semesters, teaching as many as 4 nights a week. Staying busy helps me stay focused and be more creative—I’m always […]

2024-01-26 Culture

Camilla’s hiring process

Applying for any job is a daunting process. Is your resume formatted for ATS (application tracking system) while still being grammatically correct and not just a compilation of words needed for scanning? Did you use the right terminology in the industry with the latest acronyms? Is your cover letter the perfect balance of confidence and […]

2024-01-26 Leadership

Where some of my learning will come from

From a business perspective, I look at all the books I collected over the years that I did not get to read and place them in order of what I need to know now anticipating what I’ll need to know more of in the future. Thus, in the spirit of sharing, here are my top […]

2024-01-26 Design thinking Leadership

AI in the design industry: friend or foe?

AI… is not a new thing. AI brings up a variety of emotions for people: some are excited about the possibilities, others don’t want anything to change. At the end of the day, AI has been around for a long time, in everything we’ve been doing, from online shopping to systems in our technology. So […]
