The authenticity piece: are you bringing your true self to work?
Is it your graphic design skills that matter most when applying to work at Initiate Marketing? Is it your attitude? Or playing well with others? All of the above.
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Written By
Jennifer Herman
Be Who You Are—Everywhere
There’s something powerful about being the same person in every part of your life. Whether it’s on stage at the gym, like our President & COO Jennifer, in the office, in the car, or with family—authenticity matters. More people need to be comfortable with who they are at work, just like they are in their personal lives. It’s exhausting to wear a mask all day, pretending to be someone you’re not. You can feel it, and so can everyone else. Authenticity, or the lack of it, is always noticeable.
Work Shouldn’t Feel Like an Ill-Fitting Shirt
It’s uncomfortable to show up to work feeling like you don’t fit, like wearing pants that are too tight. Being your true self is a must for finding comfort in the workplace. When you manipulate how people see you, you are creating a mask. Usually, people do that because they fear rejection. They’re scared that if someone sees who they really are, they won’t love them for it. As a result, the ill-fitting mask leads to people recognizing something is off and you never receive the connection you actually want. And the crazy part? People sense it. If it’s not real, it turns people off. The self-fulfilling prophecy lives on.
The Myth of the Perfect Boss
Let’s be real—there are bosses who don’t care, don’t want to know the real you, and that’s not going to change. But for me? I want to hire people who can be themselves. Some days you’re not excited, and that’s okay. We’re all human. I’m distracted sometimes too. We all have our bad days. But when we’re leading with the best intentions, it all falls into place. Sure, at first it will be scary to be vulnerable. But once you see that people don’t shudder in horror when you say something embarrassing by accident or you’re nervous, you will gain confidence.
Creating a Culture of Openness
In my office, I want you to come as you are. Jazz hands in the morning? Cool. Kombucha-loving cyclist? Cool. Whether you’re a detail-oriented introvert or a social butterfly, there’s a place for you. But it starts with knowing who you are and leading with that. I can respect a lot of things, but being fake isn’t one of them.
Judging the Vibes
Being able to read the room is crucial. Energy is important, and people pick up on it. When you enter a new space, take a moment to gauge the atmosphere. You might be someone who loves giving hugs, but in this office, that might not be the norm. It’s not about being right or wrong—it’s about understanding the environment, finding common ground, and respecting different viewpoints.
Boundaries and Authenticity
Authenticity doesn’t mean oversharing or being best friends with everyone. It means showing up as your real self—enough to connect with others, but not overwhelming them. Consistency, professionalism, and empathy matter too. No one wants to feel like they’re guessing your mood every day. We already have enough brainpower going to work stress, deadlines, and office dynamics. We don’t need the added anxiety of managing moods. Just be yourself, however you feel that day. People appreciate honesty and we can all empathise with a bad day.
Self-Work Is Your Responsibility
As a leader, I need to look after both the team and our clients, but self-care is something only you can manage. If you’re struggling, I respect when you can admit it. I want to help you find the tools you need to be better. To a point. Self-care isn’t just about time off—it’s about doing the inner work to show up as your best self. If you’re mentally checked out but still present at work, it affects the entire team. Taking time to recharge is something I can support, but neglecting your well-being and coasting through the day isn’t sustainable. Self-care is essential for bringing your full, authentic self to the table every day, and that’s what I need from you. More importantly, you need it from you.
So, how can you show up authentically, vulnerably, and bravely in your life today?