
  1. The authenticity piece: are you bringing your true self to work?

    Be Who You Are—Everywhere  There’s something powerful about being the same person in every part of your life. Whether it’s on stage at the gym, like our President & COO Jennifer, in the office, in the car, or with family—authenticity matters. More people need to be comfortable with who they are at work, just like […]

  2. The art of hiring: balancing creativity and culture in a design agency

    Is it your graphic design skills that matter most when applying to work at Initiate Marketing? Is it your attitude? Or playing well with others? All of the above. Not a designer in a designer’s world  Let’s talk about an interesting dynamic: when you’re not a designer but you’re leading a design agency. It’s a […]

  3. From student to mentor: the other side of the fence

    As a 2021 graduate of this program, I have only been in the industry full-time for about 2.5 years. The imposter syndrome came in hot — thoughts like “I don’t have enough experience,” “I’m not going to give good advice,” and “I don’t know what I’m going to say” raced through my mind. Not to […]